Mobile Beauty

As I was reading my subscription of WWD today (Feb. 26 WWD Beauty issue) I found an interesting and useful piece of information.
BEAUTY.COM is on iPhone!
Here is what they had to say~
" There's a new app for that. The ecommerce site, a division of Bellevue, Wash-based Inc., has teamed up with Apple, Inc. to create iPhone application that allows users to search by category and product and see product reviews. The application was launched this week and created in response to a 237 percent jump in mobile traffic to and in January compared with the same period last year. The introduction of the iPhone app allows to more effectively serve the growing number of customers who shop on the go, a spokeswomen stated. A key feature of the application is called Your List, which is a section that compiles a list of products that have been purchased in the past that's designed to ease the process of repeat purchasing."
I have this application! It is great! Even though I shop at professionals only distributors, this site has EVERYTHING! Every beauty product, label and brand. I also use this site to refer clients over to view cosmetic ingredients and see product reviews.
Have a BEAUTYfilled day.
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