I am honored to announce that I have been chosen as The Knot's 2011 Vendor Best of Weddings. I received the call last night in my United Kingdom home with my new husband the day after our wedding reception. Rebecca from TheKnot "Congratulations Sara, you are our 2011 Pick on The Knot Best of Weddings!" without a doubt, I was so over-joyed that I squealed on the phone "EEEEEEEEE!", then of course happy tears. She went on to say I was the only Makeup Artist chosen in my market and they love my work and are impressed with all the achievements I have had over the year, another "EEEEEEEEEE!". We opened a bottle of champagne and toasted.
After many sleepless nights in my studio, endless hours on the internet digging into my emails, countless contracts sent out among all the organizing and juggling for the weddings, my hard work has paid off.
This beautiful award proves to never give up, climb through any obstacle knowing that you can make a difference, with your heart in front of you and head pushing you forward you can live your life as your dream.
All the love in the world,
Sara Faella
Artist Designer Stylist